TCMLs recommended browsers and versions are shown below. Some Gecko-based browsers may not opt into using this token for this reason, sniffers should be looking for Gecko - not Firefox! Whether this token appears is controlled by the '' boolean pref. If you forgot your user name or password click here: Forgot User Name or Password: Possible Browser or Settings Problem Detected. firefoxversion will generally represent the equivalent Firefox release corresponding to the given Gecko version.
Firefox/firefoxversion is an optional compatibility token that some Gecko-based browsers may choose to incorporate, to achieve maximum compatibility with websites that expect Firefox.For instance, this could be ' Camino/2.1.1', or ' SeaMonkey/2.7.1'. appname/appversion indicates the application name and version.Mozilla/5.0 (platform rv:geckoversion) Gecko/geckotrail appname/appversion Mozilla/5.0 (platform rv:geckoversion) Gecko/geckotrail Firefox/firefoxversion appname/appversion Note: The recommended way of sniffing for Gecko-based browsers (if you have to sniff for the browser engine instead of using feature detection) is by the presence of the ' Gecko' and ' rv:' strings, since some other browsers include a ' like Gecko' token.įor other products based on Gecko, the string can take one of two forms, where the tokens have the same meaning except those noted below: